Note: This statement putting child molestor enablers and supporters was put out in April 2015 about two weeks before the annual Marcha por Zapata in East LA. During that time the Marcha por Zapata still employed Pastel Mireles, Harmony Keepers, Cuco Esperanza, and other enablers
To the greater community of Los Angeles County and relatives, For many years there has been a pain in our community that is a direct result of violations to safe and sacred spaces that exist in our community. These spaces; mental, emotional, physical, but especially spiritual and connected to the bodies of our women and young mujeres, have been under attack, not only by an individual but also by the actions taken to protect him. This has been an ongoing issue for more than a decade.
These safe and sacred spaces both in body and spirit are the gateway for healing from the traumas of colonialism in all it’s forms. Children play and learn in these spaces, young boys and girls learn to build healthy families, and men & women heal in these spaces. Those individuals entrusted with caring for these spaces carry an important responsibility that should never be leveraged for the sake of personal gain, especially of a sexual nature.
The individual known as Arturo “Pastel” Mireles, leader of Danza Mexica Cuauhtemoc for many years has evaded accountability for his violation of these sacred spaces. Men of his nature and status are privileged with the benefit of doubt known as patriarchy. Yet, those mujeres that have been violated are further victimized with the burden of proof and the parading of their hurt amongst those only looking to find excuses for the predator.
When a man in a position of power abuses his position, he no longer is gifted that benefit of doubt, nor any scale to rate the level of his violation no matter how small or how large it might be. When collusion and deceit are used to evade responsibility and accountability, when those victimized are branded as liars and infiltrators by his protectors, when a further burden is placed upon those already in pain – then it is clear this individual does not have the community’s well being as a priority.
When that fabric of community is torn, shattered or interrupted by those aggressive and predatory actions of an individual such as Arturo “Pastel” Mireles and his lack of accountability – the only course of action is banishment.
As of this day, April 08, 2015, those here undersigned have chosen to no longer remain silent and ask that this individual be removed from any community events beginning with the Marcha por Zapata, scheduled to take place on April 12, 2015 beginning at Mariachi Plaza and ending at Parque Mexico.
We respectfully ask the organizers of the Marcha por Zapata, to ensure that his presence will not be allowed. Should Arturo “Pastel” Mareles be present at the march or any future events, ceremonies, and gatherings, it will initiate a physical removal by community members in defense of these safe and sacred spaces.
Miguel Quimichipilli Bravo, Four Corners Spirit Run
Joel Garcia, East Los Angeles Men’s Circle
East Los Brown Berets
AIM So-Cal (the original 2015 chapter)
Luv the Mezenger
Native Youth Movement
Xochitlmilko Portillo, Elder
Linda Osuna, Elder
Gloria Arellanes, Elder
Cihuatl Tonali
Guerrilla Queenz
Danza Majawil q’wil
Sistah Centzi
War Club
Ryme Hawk
Joaquin Cienfuegos
Lukas Tekolotl, Los Angeles Indigenous Peoples Alliance (LAIPA)
Raul Garcia, Program Director, American Indian Changing Spirits
Gerardo Rodriguez, Family Man
Armando Lawrence
Rafael Rodriguez
Sara Mendoza, Los Angeles Indigenous Peoples Alliance (LAIPA)
Mujeres de Maiz
Angela Flores
Robert Navarro
Johnny Carlos Ramirez
Sammie Martinez
Paulo Freire Lopez
Xiloxochitl Renteria
Rene Two-Ravens Perez
Juan Sosa, East Los Angeles Men’s Circle
Moni Perez
Melissa Uribe Ochoa
Andres Mendoza, East Los Angeles Men’s Circle
Erick Iniquez
Cop Watch LA – South Central
Robert Navarro
Sonji, Community Artist
Cham Kerem Colectivo de Niños Muertos (Santa Ana)
Raul Gonzalez, Mictlan Murals
Omeatl Tonatiuh, Anahuac Cultural Center For Self Sustainability (ACCSS)
Josefina Gallardo
Nicole Rojas, Northern Southern Winds Cultural Foundation
Joseph Gonzalez
Kalpulli Tlaltehkutli
Danza Huehueteotl
Gente Indios Harvest LA
Jaguar LFG
Jaguar Karma
Danza Mixcoatl
Cassandra Mojica-Ramirez
Paul Ramirez
Cesar Fuerza Castrejon-Teodoro
Martha Gonzalez & Quetzal Flores (Quetzal Band)
Calpulli Xiuhcoatl
Calpulli Xochimecayahualli
Gina Aparicio
Muxeres en Movimiento
Don Newton, Community Activist
Emiliano Martinez, Idle No More LA
Phoenix, Sons of Anahuak
Ovarian Psychos-Cycles Brigade
Cat Hernandez, Tongva Nation
Abel Salas, Co-founder Corazon del Pueblo. Editor/Publisher-Brooklyn & Boyle
Colotl Garcia, I-Drum
David Calvillo, Community Artist
Magally “Maga” Miranda
Olin Juarez, Cop Watch Santa Ana
Ceja Libre, El Hormiguero, Tia Chuchas
Aaron Montenegro, Colectivo Houtngna (El Monte)
Red Guards Los Angeles (NCP-LC)
Julio Marquez, Cultural Field Worker, (Cuachalolotl)
Veronica Santana
Amanda Perez